McSporran : Landscapes

This photo was taken at sunrise during a wild camp on Stac Pollaidh. I figured I could squeeze a tent onto the mountains eastern summit and I did, 4 feet from an 800 feet drop.

The morning mists flow round Meall Meadhonach, Suilven's secondary peak in the North West Highlands. The photo was taken from Caisteal Liath (the grey castle), Suilven's highest peak. Suilven's unique outline, challenging remoteness and superlative views make it one of the finest mountains in Britain.

An image taken about 0600 hours during a wild camp on Cul Mor in the North West Highlands.

Dave Miles and his wild camp on Cul Mor. Is there a better place to wake up and experience the views?

The morning sun lights up the mountains of Coigach. To the left is Cul Beag, Stac Pollaidh to the right and the Fiddler in the middle in the far distance. Taken from Cul Mor.

The soft evening light of the setting sun over the mountains of Coigach in the North West Highlands.

Dawn over the mountains of Assynt. Suilven to the left and Canisp to the right.

The dawn light from Stac Pollaidh. Cul Beag and Cul Mor are the mountains to the right with Suilven and Canisp to the left in the distance.

The last light of the setting sun lights up the peaks of Cul Mor (right), Canisp (middle) and Suilven (left).

I climbed and camped out on Suilven with my mate Andy. Just as the sun was setting a storm blew over the mountains and giving an incredible light.

Suilven from the slopes of Cul Mor. Just after taking this shot I was drenched to the skin by a hail and rain storm.

Stac Pollaidh bathed in the rising light of the morning sun, projecting it's shadow against the hills in the background.

Sunrise between Cul Mor (left) and Cul Beag (right) from Stac Pollaidh.

This photo of me was taken by Mark Bull using a drone. It shows me balanced on the cliff edge of Stac Pollaidh photographing Suilven. One of the best shots I never took.

The first light of the rising sun turns the Autumn grasses on Stac Pollaidh bright red, orange and yellow. Cul Mor and the mountains of Assynt in the background.

Across the middle of Suilven, one of Scotland's most remote mountains, is a wall. Some of the stones weigh two tons. It was built by starving Highlanders in 1840 in exchange for food. Imagine the sheer physical effort of dragging huge stones up a very steep mountain with no modern mechanical aids.

I met Dave Miles while wild camping on Cul Mor. He and his tent provided a perfect focal point for the photograph, giving a real sense of scale.

I was caught in a hail and rain storm on top of Cul Mor and got soaked to the skin. I opted to protect my camera kit but couldn't protect me. Bad weather can mean good photos and I was presented with this wonderful sight just after the storm blew over.

The last light of the setting sun lighting up the peaks of the Coigach mountains. Cul Beag (left) appears to have a smoke trail emerging from its peak.

The Fiddler (Sgurr an Fhidhleir) is the pointed peak in the middle of shot, with Cul Beag to the left and Stac Pollaidh to the right.

The ridges of the mountains of Assynt at dawn from Cul Mor.

Low level clouds stream from the peak of Cul Beag like smoke from the funnel of a steam train.

Sunrise over Assynt. The old legends tell of two brothers, Unt and Assunt, meaning the man of peace and the man of discord. They battled and Assunt won, giving his name to the land of Assynt.

Looking down from Cul Mor over the lands and mountains of Coigach.

The distinctive shape of Sula Bheinn (Suilven) from Stac Pollaidh.